Secure email gateway
Why is Advanced Threat Protection a crutical component for your mail protection

Advanced Threat Protection
Growing threats from ransomware, CEO fraud and digital espionage – Advanced Threat Protection effectively protects your business from cyber attacks.
Why Do I Need To Protect My eMail
Emotet, Trickbot, GandCrab – Malware is increasingly finding its way into the email inbox of companies and organizations. CEO fraud, forged invoices and fake application emails are the most common methods used by cybercriminals to smuggle malware into corporate systems. Important files are encrypted, sensitive information is copied or confidential business transactions are monitored. Ransomware, spyware and viruses manipulate or damage operational and production processes, which can cause considerable (financial) damage to the companies targeted. With the comprehensive features of Advanced Threat Protection, even the most sophisticated cyber attacks have no chance.
Protection Against Blended Attacks
Blended attacks use different types of malware at the same time. Viruses, spyware, spam and phishing are combined in one email attack. This blending of attack methods and penetration of different vulnerabilities makes cyber attacks even more complex and difficult to detect.
The new ATP feature: Malicious Document Decryption
The latest risk from cybercrime is critical: hackers are increasingly using encrypted email attachments to infiltrate corporate systems with malware. Classic anti-virus programs cannot detect the malware hidden by this encryption. Malicious Document Decryption adds another essential feature to Advanced Threat Protection: encrypted email attachments are decrypted using appropriate text modules. The decrypted document is then subjected to an in-depth virus scan. This keeps your mailbox safe from even this advanced threat.
Increasing Threat From Ransomware
Ransomware is one of the most popular methods of cyber crime in terms of both profitability and scope of (financial) damage to the victims. If the blackmailer’s software infiltrates a company system, all sensitive and confidential files are encrypted and are only released in exchange for a ransom in the form of Bitcoins. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee the files will actually be released after payment has been made. Hackers’ favorite targets are large companies and government institutions, as well as critical infrastructure. In the worst case scenario, an attack could lead to insolvency. But considerable sales losses are also among the potential effects.
Comprehensive Risk Analyses with Sandbox Engine: Dangerous Types of Malware
Dangerous types of malware such as Emotet, Hancinator and Trickbot often hide behind file attachments in emails and therefore remain undetected at first. However, as soon as an infected document is opened, the malware enters a company’s system and can cause millions of dollars of damage. The Sandbox Engine scans email attachments for potential malware by running the file in a virtual, isolated test environment where any potentially harmful effects can be safely identified. If the document sent turns out to be malware, the emails are quarantined directly, and the company’s IT security team is notified.